Friday, December 7, 2007


Dave's house!
$5 gets you access to a keg!
Weekend of Dec. 21st, official date stba!
Hot drunk cheerleaders!
Drunk MARTS and BARTS!
End of the year PARTY at Daves!


What's goin' on?

So, Waye....your wife's name is Marty, right?
Well famous people's families are also famous, it's just a given! So, I searched up Marty Mason, I figured it's been over a week since the wedding Papa pics should be up by now. Anyway's, this is what I found!

Did I miss something?





Monday, December 3, 2007

Crime in Stereo IS DEAD

I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this. I was really into the first two Crime in Stereo releases, Explosives and the Will to Use Them, and The Troubled Stateside. Which were just really awesome really fast poppy hardcore, awesome lyrics, awesome riffs, the whole nine.

Everything Changes/Nothing is Truly Lost and Bicycles for Afghanistan from The Troubled Stateside, like at the Cambridge Elks in Cambridge, MA.

The band's latest release "IS DEAD" is a sharp departure from their previous body of work. Gone are the fast driving guitar riffs of the previous releases, instead there are spacey effects and lots of reverb. I still like it though. The album is heavily influenced by Brand New's body of work, IS DEAD, was even produced by Brand New producer
Mike Sapone. While I do miss the way the band used to sound, I can full appreciate the new direction, it feels like a natural progression for a band that is maturing and learning as they go along. I hope Crime in Stereo decide to release a lot more albums. Because I like them.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I Kinda Hate Winter

Shitty shitty time of year.

Yep yep yep.

Money also sucks.

I Kinda Hate Winter

Shitty shitty time of year.

Yep yep yep.

Money also sucks.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I See What You Did Thar

Andrew says:
Andrew says:
what's a common disease among rappers?
Rynaln Driftwood CUC says:
Rynaln Driftwood CUC says:
Uh, bullets?
Andrew says:
Rynaln Driftwood CUC says:
Andrew says:
Andrew says:
Andrew says:
i just made that up
Andrew says: